Here on Earth

The Importance of Florida Pollinators

Written by Down To Earth | Dec 7, 2021 2:00:00 PM

What does pollination mean for your landscape? It might be more important than you think. 

In the course of commencing genetic diversity, the Florida pollinators such as insects, bats, and birds offer their assistance by transferring pollen that helps plants reproduce. However, not many of us are aware of the importance of pollinators which leads us to overuse pesticides. This accidental misuse can lead to habitat loss, species endangerment, the spread of invasive plant species, and much more. In order to sustain our natural resources, we will discuss the various Florida pollinators and how to protect them from declining.

What is a Pollinator? 

Pollinators, such as bees, moths, flies, birds, etc., visit plants or flowers to drink nectar and help carry pollen from plant to plant. This process begins the fertilization of plants which enables them to produce fruits, seeds, and young plants. Almost all flowering plants need pollinators to reproduce and maintain the healthy ecosystem that keeps the air clean, stabilizes soil, and supports other wildlife.

Attracting Pollinators 

The current status of the pollinator population is declining. Disease, pollution, and the misuse of chemicals are many extreme examples that lead the population of pollinators to continue to shrink over time. In order to keep a healthy landscape, this requires a healthy ecosystem to exist. Here are some ways to attract pollinators to your garden and create a thriving ecosystem.

  • Incorporate a variety of flowers to your garden. A wide range of flowers and colors are beneficial to attract pollinators. Lavender, poppies, and sunflowers are some of the incredible flowers that can enhance both the aesthetic and pollination of your garden.
  • Native plants are a great source to attract local pollinators. By growing native flowering plants, you can lessen your stress regarding maintenance; since native plants and flowers require little irrigation and will adapt to local soil and climate. 
  • Watering your plants is crucial for the upkeep of your garden and your garden pollinators. While early morning watering is nutritious to your plants as they are absorbed through the roots, droplets of water are left on the flower petals or leaves for the pollinators to enjoy, especially during hot summers.
  • Refrain from using any pesticides in your garden since they tend to negatively impact the well-being of your garden pollinators.

What are the Types of Florida Pollinators?

Florida is home to several hosts of native pollinators, from native flies, bees to beetles. The three major Florida pollinators are:
  • Insects like beetles, honey bees, ants, wasps are the most common and familiar pollinators. Moths and butterflies are some of the major insect pollinators in wild and managed ecosystems.
  • Birds like hummingbirds are essential pollinators of wildflowers. Not only do they pollinate wildflowers, but they also transport seeds.
  • Bats are native to Florida and pretty important for their ecosystems. Some plants in Florida even rely on bat pollination. Bats usually pollinate at dawn or at night - that includes guava, shaving brush trees, wild bananas, mangoes, etc.


While sustenance of our natural resources and a healthy ecosystem is vital, it is not always easy for everyone to implement the strategies to invite pollinators. This is where Down To Earth Landscape & Irrigation comes in. 

If you are someone who wishes for a pollinator-friendly garden and aspires to grow your own fruits and vegetables, then hire our professional landscape team who are experts in this field. At Down to Earth Landscape & Irrigation, we offer a wide range of services from mulching to seasonal planting, and much more. Contact us today for more landscaping and irrigation information.