Here on Earth

Homeowners Associations' Most Common Landscape Questions Answered

Written by Down To Earth | May 13, 2021 6:20:16 PM

Homeowners Associations carry a lot of responsibility, especially when it comes to the look and feel of the community. One of these large responsibilities is choosing a landscape maintenance provider, and nothing affects the look and feel of a property like landscape. Landscaping has been proven to have a direct correlation to property value, so this really can be a make or break decision for the board

Why a Landscaping Company?

Homeowners’ associations are responsible for protecting the resident’s investment and increasing their quality of life. While those serving on HOA boards hold a lot of experience, typically they are not professional landscapers. Luckily HOA landscape maintenance companies employ and are made up of experienced and licensed professionals who are capable of making informed decisions and providing advice. This ensures that residents will get the most out of their property and their dues.

Why Not Let Residents Landscape?

As previously mentioned, not everyone is a professional landscaper, and that’s okay. What’s not okay is having drastically different landscapes, unmaintained lawns, overgrown properties, or even pest and weed control issues. Your green-thumbed residents will enjoy the exceptional job done by a landscaping company and may even be thankful they don’t have to get up to mow.

Who is on the Property and Why?

One of the largest concerns from residents of HOA’s is why strangers are coming onto their property. One of the responsibilities of the landscaping company is to make their presence known and build a relationship not just with the board, but with the residents as well. Making the company known to the community instils trust in the process and trust in the landscape professionals on their property.

How Do I Get the Best Value for the Best Price?

When it comes to HOA landscaping maintenance, all companies are not the same. Your choice in landscape company is going to have the largest impact on both qualities and return on investment. By having a landscaping company identify your major concerns, analyze what can be done in the community, and implement solutions, you’ve made every dollar of the budget work for you.

Landscaping companies aren’t few and far between, but they are all unique. Integrity, communication, and accountability may not sound like traits you associate with landscaping, but at Down To Earth, we do. Down To Earth Landscape & Irrigation is dedicated to providing Florida with premier full-service landscaping. Reach out to us today at Down To Earth Landscape & Irrigation.